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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Bell

My First Blog! Hello 2019! 🎉

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah Winfrey
the many moods of 2018

New Year, New Beginnings

We've made it to another year! 🙌🏾 I am super excited for 2019 (as you ALL should be!) 2018 was wonderful to me! I finally figured out what I wanted to do with my life, which is photography/videography, I got to travel around the US (and go on my first cruise out of the country!) doing what I love while getting a head-start on my career at 21 years old. I've grown and learned so much in 1 year and I am SO. FREAKIN. PROUD. There is so much I want to accomplish in 2019. I look forward to continuing my growth and I am ready to document the entire journey.

Why Am I Blogging?

Well, believe it or not I HATE WRITING 😐 but as a new Journalism major I figured I'd better get use to it for the next couple of years. I also take a lot of photos that never see the light of day. I need a place to share the photos that never make it to Instagram and tell the stories that go along with them. So viola! Now I am a blogger! But I'm not blogging to become a blogger. No one ever has to read these and I'd be okay with that. Although I am sharing these words for everyone to see, my intention is not to get views and likes and all that other social media stuff. I just want to share my thoughts throughout the year so that I can reflect later. This is more like a journal than a blog. To those who do find these journals, I hope they are entertaining, inspirational, and encouraging to you.

What Will These Journals Be About?

My mind is kinda like a tornado. Thoughts are constantly spinning around creating a mess. A beautiful mess. These journals will be a reflection of that. I'm gonna post all kinds of stuff: thoughts, reflections, photography, fashion, beauty, reviews, tutorials, things that inspire me, things that will inspire others, whatever my heart desires. My journals are a reflection of myself and my journey through life. My journals probably won't always be grammatically correct because I'm not always grammatically correct 🤷🏾‍♀️ I want them to feel genuine, I want whoever reads this to connect with me. I want to remember what I was really like when I look back and read these years from now. Social media makes us feel like we always need to portray ourselves as this perfect being when in reality life is not perfect. I'm not perfect. So don't expect perfection here. Expect realness, expects memes and emojis, maybe a few curse words here and there 🤷🏾‍♀️ and expect to see this emoji 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ A LOT because that's my mood 99.98% of the time 🤣

I also don't want these journals to be too long because 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm not ready to write my full autobiography yet soooooo if you're reading this, welcome to my journey, I hope you enjoy the ride 😘

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